Walton High School
George Walton Comprehensive High School is located at 1590 Bill Murdock Road, approximately 1.5 miles from Princeton Corners. Built in 1975, Walton has become one of the finest high schools in the country. In June 2010 US News and World Report released its annual report listing the top high schools int he country, and Walton was ranked 79th in the nation. Walton is also the top ranked high school in the state of Georgia.
Through the Walton Parent-Teacher Student Association (PTSA), the students' mothers and fathers are as integral to the life and performance of the schools as are math instructors and football coaches. More than 2,000 of Walton's parents (representing about 40% of the students) are involved somehow in the life of the school. Walton's parents have helped strengthen nearly every aspect of their children's education by serving on advisory commitees, volunteering on campus, or helping to secure funds.
Walton High School is a participant in Georgia's Charter School program. Charter schools are public schools of choice. Charter schools are operated according to the provisions of a charter document. This charter is a contract that gives the charter petitioner the authority and the public funding to operate as a charter school. It also states how the charter school will be run. Read more about the program by visiting the Georgia Charter School Program website.
Walton High School has a very actve - and successful - sports program. The sports programs include football, baseball, softball, basketball, track, soccer, swimming, golf, wrestling, and volleyball. Other extracurricular activities include band, orchestra, foreign language clubs, political clubs, drama, and many, many others.
Visit the Walton website for more information on the school and its activities.